Our Production Line
The key to getting your products assembled accurately and quickly, our fully automated surface mount production line is able to meet almost any need. Here’s a breakdown on the machines that make things possible, starting with the pasting process.
MPM Stencil Printer
The line starts with our MPM Ultra Print 1500 stencil printer. A workhorse of solder paste printing, the MPM insures that every board through the line starts out with a consistent quality print.
Koh Young SPI
If you start with an inaccurate paste print it’s all downhill from there, which is why every board that runs through our line passes through our 3D Solder Paste Inspection (SPI) machine. This machine performs full 3D photogrametry to analyze the exact size, position, and shape of every solder paste deposit on the board, ensuring that nothing out of spec makes it past this point. This data is retained and can be further analyzed to improve print accuracy and stencil design. Both of our lines have Koh Young KY8030-2 SPI systems, and the unit in line 1 even has a paste dispensing jet to repair any holes in the solder paste!
Component Placement
The core of surface mount production, at PCBX we use Yamaha placers. Between our YSM20R-2 and YS12F, we can place over 100,000 Components Per Hour (CPH).
Our first machine is a Yamaha YSM20R-2. A dual gantry 20 head placer rated at 90,000 CPH, which serves as our workhorse. This machine can handle a massive quantity of components, and places them with extreme accuracy and reliability.
Our second machine is a Yamaha YS12F. This machine utilizes a single gantry with 5 pick heads, and is capable of 20,000 CPH. Its slower placement speed is offset by its ability to place a wide range of non-standard parts such as connectors, labels, and shields. The YS12F also allows us to place parts from waffle trays and tubes.
Conceptronic oven
After all components are mounted, it’s time for reflow soldering. Our Conceptronic seven zone reflow oven is paired with a Kic X5 oven profiler. This pairing allows us precise control over, and consistency during, the reflow process. We are capable of hitting even the strictest reflow profiles.
The end of our line is a Yamaha 3D Automated Optical Inspection machine. Many of our jobs are “blind builds” meaning that we don’t have a chance to power up or test the PCB's before they are shipped out to the end client. This machine utilizes an array of cameras and projectors to inspect every single joint, on every single part, on every single PCB.